The Environmental Quality Mark (EQM) is an environmental award scheme that celebrates:
- a passion for place and environment
- how that passion is shared with customers
The EQM is awarded to businesses and other organisations who demonstrate a commitment to making sustainable choices for the benefit of the planet, people and their local economy.
The award has an ongoing application process and organisations can start their EQM journey at any time. Following an assessment, if awarded the EQM, you will then have full use of our carbon tracker and action plan tools to help you plan ahead and record your progress.

EQM principles
The EQM award scheme is structured around five core principles, which are informed by the best and most up-to-date sustainable practice. We support our award holders to improve across all five principles and score them against criteria in each of the following five categories.
1. Business and economy
You prioritise trading locally to support the local economy, and make business decisions that are rooted in sustainability and make your business stronger.
2. Global environment
Your organisation works to reduce its impact on the global environment through: efficient energy, water and waste management; responsible purchasing, travel and transport choices; and carbon reduction.
3. Local environment
Your organisation strives to reduce the negative impact of its activities on the local environment, whilst working positively to enhance and protect it.
4. People and communities
Your organisation values and supports people and communities, both locally and globally. You are a responsible employer (where applicable) and you champion equality and diversity.
5. Special qualities of your local area
You contribute to and promote the special qualities of your local area across the following categories: beautiful views; wildlife and habitats; tranquillity; landscapes; settlements; inspiring space; and vital benefits.
Find out more: Is EQM is a good fit your business
Do I need to pay?
You can use the online tool for free by simply registering on the website, but you won't be assessed and won't be able to receive the award until you pay to join the full scheme. Full scheme members can also track their responses over time.
The annual fee is:
- £250 for businesses with fewer than 10 employees
- £550 for businesses with 10 employees or more
Not-for-profit businesses and organisations are charged at the lower rate of £250.